
Science Worksheets for Grade 6: How Does Friction Affects Motion of an Object?


  • Three textbooks of different weight and dimensions
  • String (8 feet in length)
  • Three different testing surfaces like a table, carpet or tile floor
  • Scale
  • Tape Measure/yard stick
  • Stop-watches 
  1. Collect three of your school textbooks that are different size and weight (you can use books of various sizes that you have at home as well).
  2. Record the weight of each of the books before experimenting.
  3. Find three different surfaces to slide (or push) the textbooks on (examples: table, carpet, tile floor, etc.).
  4. Being sure not to damage the textbook, slide the textbook along various surfaces, keeping a keen eye on the frictional force that each surface has on the movement of the textbooks.
  5. Record the time and distance that each book traveled on the three different surfaces.
  6. Tie strands of string around each textbook, and this time, pull each book and record the time it takes to pull the same distance you pushed the book on the three surfaces. Write down your observations and record the times of this experiment.
Guide Questions:
1. Which book travels a short distance? Why?
2. Which book travels a long distance? Why?
3. Do you think which surface shows lesser frictional force?
4. Do you think which surface shows greater frictional force?
5. What is the effect of the rough surface to the motion and distance traveled by the book?
6. What is the effect of the smooth surface to the motion and distance traveled by the book?
7. How does friction affect motion of an object?


Credits: Arcelle Yuan

Science Worksheets for Grade 6: How Does Friction Affects Motion of an Object? Science Worksheets for Grade 6: How Does Friction Affects Motion of an Object? Reviewed by Jim Lloyd on November 07, 2017 Rating: 5
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