
Science Worksheets for Grade 6: Comparing Objects on Different Surfaces

Problems: how does the kind of the surface affect the movement of an object?


  • Block of wood
  • spring scale
  • hook
  • tape
  • Sand paper
  • baby powder
  • rods

What you need to do:
1. Attach a piece of sandpaper on one side of the block of wood.
2. hook a spring scale to the block of wood. Place the wood on the table (The sandpaper should meet
    the surface of the table.)
3. Using a steady force, use the spring scale to pull the wood across the table at a steady speed.
    Record the force applied to pull the block of wood across the table.
4. Remove the sandpaper from the block of wood. Sprinkle a small amount of powder on the table.
    Repeat step 3.
5. Place several  rods on the table. Place the block of wood on top of the rods. Then, repeat step 3.

What have you found out:
1. What affects the motion of the block of wood ?
2. What kind of friction is shown when you let the block of wood with sandpaper slide on the surface
    of the table?
3. What kind of friction is shown when you let the block of wood roll on the rods?
4. Under what condition  was the frictional force smallest?
5. How do rollers help in decreasing the amount of force needed to pull the block of wood?


Credits: Arcelle Yuan

Science Worksheets for Grade 6: Comparing Objects on Different Surfaces Science Worksheets for Grade 6: Comparing Objects on Different Surfaces Reviewed by Jim Lloyd on November 07, 2017 Rating: 5
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