
Science Worksheets for Grade 6: Measuring Distance of a Moving Object

How does friction affect the distance traveled by a moving object?

Ball, meter stick, stopwatch

1. Look for a smooth floor (i.e. stage). Draw a starting line.
2. From the starting line, roll the ball gently. Make sure that the ball will not hit any object while rolling.
3. Use the stopwatch to get the time the ball start rolling until it stops. Record this on the table below.
    Observe if there is a change in the ball speed.
4. Measure the distance travelled by the ball using your meter stick>Record this on the table below.
5. Repeat the procedure. Have  at least two more trials. Be sure to apply the same amount of force.
6. Compute for the average distance and average time.
7. Look for a rough ground (i.e. stony ground)
8. Do the same procedure as you have done in the smooth surface. Be sure to apply the same amount of force. Compare your data.

Let’s write our observation:

1. What happens to the ball after rolling for some time?
2. Is the speed of the ball the same all throughout the travel?
3. What causes the ball to change speed and stops?
4. Compare the average distance travelled by a moving object?

Let’ share our knowledge:
How does friction affect he distance traveled by a moving object?


Credits: Arcelle Yuan

Science Worksheets for Grade 6: Measuring Distance of a Moving Object Science Worksheets for Grade 6: Measuring Distance of a Moving Object Reviewed by Jim Lloyd on November 07, 2017 Rating: 5
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